Witchy Wisdom Weekly | August 25 - 31, 2024

Witchy Wisdom Weekly | August 25 - 31, 2024

⭐️This week, Venus sheds her skin.  

We finally turn a corner from the intense astrological weather of July and August and experience some freedom, clearing, and connection.

💻 Watch the full forecast 👇🏻

or read the digest below. or both! 

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🔎 The Cosmic Context

We've just moved past some major astrology on August 19th, where two T-squares occurred simultaneously, affecting nearly every major planet. Not to mention this all unfolded during a Mercury retrograde 🥲

Idk about you, but for me, it's been a refining and introspective period. It’s been helpful in its own way… but I’m glad it’s over 😉

🪐 The Cosmic Weather

This week heralds a significant shift in tone, driven by a very intriguing Venus story:

Tuesday, August 27

  • Venus trine Uranus at 27°14 Virgo / Taurus

Wednesday, August 28

  • Venus opposite Neptune Rx 29°08 Virgo / Pisces
  • Mercury stations direct at 21°24 Leo

Thursday, August 29

  • Venus enters Libra (leaves fall, enters domicile)
  • Venus trine Pluto Rx at 0°03 Libra / Aquarius

This sequence marks a transitional period encouraging innovation, refinement, and a fresh perspective on our values and desires.

Venus and Outer Planets Dynamics

For me, Venus’s transit and its aspects with Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto signal a phase of letting go of fear and being able to trust that following our dreams and desires will lead us in the right direction.

I kept thinking of the Wizard of Oz:

  • Venus trine Uranus: Dorothy wakes up from her dream/portal jumping from Oz and has a massive perspective shift in what matters to her. Very Venus trine Uranus.

  • Venus opposite Neptune: that disorienting feeling you have when you wake up from a lucid dream (or some other dimension called Oz, lol) and don’t know how to integrate what just happened with the reality you find yourself in. I could see the insight / developments brought on by Venus / Uranus leaving us feeling a little swirly mentally and emotionally.

  • Venus trine Pluto: Admittedly, the Wizard of Oz doesn’t really apply anymore here… but if there was a sequel (was there a sequel? Idk, gonna pretend there’s not 😅) where Dorothy realizes what she really wants for herself and has the courage to go for it.

🧙🏻‍♀️ Witchy Wisdom

  1. Notice Your Grip: Reflect on where you're holding too tightly or letting go too easily. We’re getting some help making space this week; let it help you clear out what's no longer needed. This will be crucial as we approach eclipse season in mid-September.
  2. Experiment and Get Weird: Inspired by Venus trine Uranus, embrace change and innovation in your life – from updating your routine to adopting new habits. Shake things up – whether physically with your workout routine or in your own self concept.
  3. Feel Into It: Venus’s opposition to Neptune calls for relying on intuition over logic. Wednesday might be murky, but trust your feelings. Avoid major decisions; instead, focus on discerning what doesn't serve you anymore.
  4. Purge What’s Past Its Prime: With Venus entering Libra and trining Pluto, this is a time to let go of outdated standards or expectations. Embrace the refreshing energies coming in and allow yourself to soften and open up to new possibilities.

📚 Resources Inspired by This Week's Astrology

  • Inner Child Work: I discussed the concept of holding on and letting go this week; if this interests you, check out the treasure Homecoming by John Bradshaw – particularly, the chapter on toddler development. Be prepared: if these concepts are new to you and speaking to you, this could bring up a lot for you to process. OH – and don’t sleep on the meditations. Yup, Bradshaw wrote meditations for each chapter to facilitate inner child healing. Be ready to cry probably 😅
  • Rhythmic Shaking: In this week's youtube, I talk about my fave yoga teacher incorporating this in her flows in the youtube talk. It’s literally just shaking off your arms like you’re flinging off water while hopping up and down; basically dancing with a vibe of “shaking off the bad vibes”. You’ll feel silly at first, but find the right song, and I promise you will become addicted real quick. Use it when you’re feeling overwhelmed and need to get out of your head and into your body.
  • Music Inspiration: Everytime "Hair" by Lady Gaga comes on my shuffle, I can’t resist. This is a song I must sing from start to finish at full volume. I thought of it as I reflected on the importance of self-expression in embodying our values. Gaga says: “this is my prayer; that I’ll die living just as free as my hair”. I think of every moment I’ve let my hair whip in the wind of open car windows and think, same girl, same. 10/10 recommend listening and singing LOUDLY this week, espesh Tuesday.

🧘🏽‍♀️ Final Advice

The energies this week signify a shift towards greater ease, connection, and authenticity. Allow Pluto and Venus to guide you in purging old, unhelpful patterns and step into a space of clarity and renewed purpose.

The chaos is subsiding, and something really beautiful is on the way!

♥️ Dana Solara

Astrologer, Teacher, + Creator of Self Help Witch