Witchy Wisdom Weekly | August 18 - 24, 2024

Witchy Wisdom Weekly | August 18 - 24, 2024

⭐️This week, every damn planet has something to say. 

Between two T-squares, a full moon, and a Mercury cazimi, this week's astrology did not come to play. The planets will demand us to see what's run its course and where we need to innovate. .

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🔎 Where we’ve been: The Cosmic Context

Before we dig into the energies of this week, let's set the stage with the cosmic context. Mercury retrograde is playing a significant role in this lunar cycle; recall the Leo new moon on August 4th happened the same day Mercury stationed retrograde. Now, as we move forward, we'll see a Mercury cazimi just a day before the full moon, emphasizing the  connection between these two cycles, where we get powerful insights supercharged my a square to Uranus.

Additionally, last week brought a Mars Jupiter conjunction in Gemini, which continues to influence us. This conjunction approached a square with Saturn, with Mars perfecting the square last Friday and Jupiter doing so this Monday. This built-up energy certainly heightens the overall astrological atmosphere.

Finally, we have to talk about the Jupiter/Saturn square in relationship to its larger cycle. If you've been following astrology content for a while, you may remember back in 2020 hearing about "the great conjunction" – this was actually the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at the beginning of Aquarius. Jupiter/Saturn cycles initiate powerful shifts on the collective level, but of course, also affect us personally. 

This week marks the opening square in this ~19.5 year Jupiter/Saturn cycle. We can think of squares as a moment of "crisis" – which is not inherently chaotic or confronting. Think of a square as simply a moment where things turn a corner; where the energy of whatever seed you planted is pushing up from the ground. It signals a change, a growth edge, and a choice. 

🪐Where were at: This week’s Cosmic Weather

Here's what we're getting into this week: 

    Sunday, August 18

    • Mercury Rx square Uranus - 4:46 AM Central Time, 27°10' Leo / Taurus
    • Mercury cazimi - 8:58 PM Central Time, 26°35' Leo

    Monday, August 19

    • Venus square Jupiter - 12:52 AM Central Time, 17°21' Virgo / Gemini
    • Venus opposite Saturn Rx - 3:29 AM Central Time, 17°29' Virgo / Pisces
    • Sun square Uranus - 11:45 AM Central Time, 27°11' Leo / Taurus
    • Full Moon in Aquarius - 1:25 PM Central Time, 27°15' Aquarius
    • Jupiter square Saturn Rx - 4:46 PM Central Time, 17°27' Gemini / Pisces

    Thursday, August 22

    • Sun enters Virgo - 9:55 AM Central Time (leaves domicile)
    • Venus square Mars - 10:20 PM Central Time, 22°08' Virgo / Gemini

    Friday, August 23

    • Mercury Rx sextile Mars - 11:30 PM Central Time, 22°48' Leo / Gemini

    🧙🏻‍♀️Witchy Wisdom for the Week

    Get Out of Your Head and Into Your Body

    Inspired by the Mercury cazimi / square Uranus on Sunday, which is a recipe for wild, innovative discussions and ideas. This could be a really exciting moment, but it may also feel overwhelming (squares can be like that; Uranus can be like that; Mercury RX can make it all just feel like a lot!)

    Something I think would be just *perfect* to do on this day: go for a walk and talk to yourself in your voice apps. I KNOW I'm always encouraging you to talk to yourself 😅 but that's because it's so helpful! And I'm telling you to record it (spoken, written, or otherwise) because we become mentally overwhelmed when we don't ground our ideas somewhere. We need to get them out of our heads and somewhere else – paper or your voice notes app would be a great spot. 

    Simply Observe

    Let's be real: Monday's astrologically looks pretty overwhelming. But rather than expecting the worst, I want us to refocus our energy on becoming an objective observer.  And yes, I'm basically just saying "practice mindfulness" , but in a more concrete way. 

    When we approach astrology or life in general with predetermined expectations – particularly expectations that the shit's gonna hit the fan – at best, we stress ourselves out unnecessarily; at worst, we create self-fulfilling prophecies.

    Let Go of What's Run Its Course

    We know that the astro of Monday contains two t-squares, which are oppositions with a planet in the middle, squaring both planets in the opposition (that's Venus/Saturn opposing with Jupiter (and Mars) squaring in the center, and the Sun/Moon opposing with Uranus in the center).

    Oppositions are moments of culmination, when the seeds we planted in the beginning of the cycle are peaking. Think about an apple tree: Once the apples have fully matured, what is left to do? Nothing, except pick and eat them.

    So it is this week. While the opening square between Jupiter and Saturn indicates the "crisis" situation we talked about earlier, the rest of the astrology says the context of the square's choice/growth edge is about what's peaked. If you're realizing a part, person, or practice in your life is no longer a fit, allow that reality to exist and let go with love. 

    That's it for this week! 

    DM me @selfhelpwitch and me know how the energy plays out for you! In the meantime, sending you peace, grounding, and confidence to meet the moment. You totally got this! 

      ♥️ Dana Solara

      Astrologer, Teacher, + Creator of Self Help Witch