Witchy Wisdom Weekly | August 11 - 17, 2024

Witchy Wisdom Weekly | August 11 - 17, 2024

⭐️This week, the [Mercury RX] plot starts to thicken. 

Between a LOUD Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Gemini hosted by Mercury RX and Mars + Jupiter both engaging in a square with Saturn, this is a week where the cracks in the foundation will become clear.

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🔎 Where we’ve been: The Cosmic Context

Last week was supposed to be our grand Leo moment with the Leo new moon. However, Virgo took the spotlight with Mercury stationing retrograde and Venus entering Virgo—a sign where Venus struggles. 

These events are underscored by the fact that Jupiter and Venus are both in Mercury-ruled signs and Mercury is retrograde. Debilitated benefics tell us things may feel crunchy; add the fact the planet that can best help them is retrograde, and you can get a challenges with relationships, finances, or values that start to make you really question what should satay stay and what should go.  

🪐Where were at: This week’s Cosmic Weather

This week, we have three key transits:

  1. Mars conjunct Jupiter (August 14, 10:21 AM Central Time, 16°40' Gemini)
  2. Mercury retrograde re-enters Leo (August 14)
  3. Mars square Saturn retrograde (August 16, 17°42' Gemini and Pisces)

Mars and Jupiter conjoining in Gemini is a powerful transit, especially with Mercury retrograde entering Leo on the same day. While not perfecting this until later in the week and next week, Mars and Jupiter are both in the active range in their square to Saturn as well. This is a setup for hard lessons, critical feedback (given or received), or a wakeup call for serious recalibration. 

🧙🏻‍♀️Witchy Wisdom for the Week

Fight for What You Believe In—Wisely.

With Mars and Jupiter conjoining, there's a strong sense of righteous indignation. This is a signature that does not want to negotiate and has a strong, fervent belief. Growing up, my best friend's mom was a youth pastor for a pretty conservative brand of Christianity. One of her favorite sayings was, "I rebuke that in the name of Jesus!". Mars/Jupiter in Gemini feels very that

But as we know, there's more to this transit than meets the eye. Saturn's lingering presence, like something peeking around the corner, is adding a seriousness, constraint, or burden of some kind. The stage is set for us to be fed up and to need to "speak to the manager". And, with the Mercurial/Gemini energy involved, that may be needed.

But be cautious about going too far. Mercury retrograde in a Mercury-ruled sign could mean that words might come back to haunt you. It’s okay to express your discontent, but do it before frustration leads to an explosion.

View Obstacles as Opportunities. 

This week and next may feel like there's a lot to overcome. I'm not telling you that to make you anxious or stress you out, but to help you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually prepare. And you do that by finding your calm inner peace prior to the storm, so you have somewhere solid to stand, should the storm come after all (and it may not for you personally!)

I'd like to lovingly remind you that limitations or challenges are not here to make life hard without reason. They are here to guide you in fixing what’s broken (esp during Mercury RX!). Take obstacles as clues for necessary changes. 

There's no need to change anything just yet – remember, we won't have the full story on this energy's meaning until after next week's full moon on the 19th. So until then, take notes and stay grounded. 

Separate Yourself from Circumstances.

This one is so hard for me. But it's absolutely crucial for maintaining a sense of solid ground when you're going through turbulent times. Think of this piece of witchy wisdom as a practice you can use to view obstacles as opportunities (the last witchy wisdom tip). 

When things go wrong, it’s easy to start to turn that into a story. Someone says hi to me; I think to say "hey", my brain tries to say "hello", and some weird, garbled mishmash of the two comes out. I get embarrassed, and turn it into a story about how weird I am. 

This is a very silly (though accurate) example of how make meaning out of otherwise objective events, usually in ways that limit, label, or otherwise harm us. 

I want you to remember this week that bad things can happen, but it doesn't mean the house is falling down. It doesn't mean you've made terrible life choices, that this is somehow all your fault, that you did something to deserve this, or that you need to burn it all down and start over again. 

You can do hard things, and getting through hard things is what gives us the proverbial sand in the oyster. It's how we create pearls. 

Remember, everything unfolding is for your highest good. Stay peaceful, patient, and prepared!

    ♥️ Dana Solara

    Astrologer, Teacher, + Creator of Self Help Witch