can I be real with you? 

I have this hot take about astrology that, at first glance, seems a lil sacrilegious 😬

On its own, just knowing about astrology is *not* doing anything to improve your life. 

Sure, listening to horoscopes, checking to see if Mercury is retrograde.. it's fascinating... 

but it's not inherently helpful.

Consuming astrology content and expecting it to somehow translate into a more aligned life without conscious effort . . . is kinda like watching a workout tape from the couch and expecting to get in shape. 

It just doens't work that way 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️

If we want our astrological insights to transfer into our lived experience – to go beyond the theoretical and into the practical –we need an astrology practice.

A true astrology practice goes beyond listening to your fave astrologers' hot takes and nodding along – it alchemizes your cosmic insights into aligned, authentic action, allowing you to integrate the good stuff from astrology and level up your life in a whole new way.

Let's move from theory to practice, shall we?

To help you get started on the path to a meaningful astrology practice, I've created a 2-part (free!) resource that includes the Astrology Practice Archetype Quiz and an Astrology Practice Guide to kickstart your journey.

Here's how it works: 

1. Take the astrology practice archetype quiz – This quiz solves the mystery of what you truly want from astrology. 🤔 After just a few fun questions, you'll know exactly what your goals are. 

2. Use the astrology practice guide – A ebook that breaks down each of the astrology practice archetypes, along with customized resources for each archetype + a reusable worksheet to create your personalized astrology practice in less than 10 minutes.